I have the below codes in a old ionic 3, currently I have to migrate to ionic 5. I have googled it, but still find it confusing.
In my Html
(click)="onAllergiesDetailsClicked(medicalAlertGroup , 'Medical Alert')"
In my TS file
onAllergiesDetailsClicked(allergiesGroupLists, pageTitle) {
this.navCtrl.push(AllergiesGroupListPage, { allergiesGroupList: allergiesGroupLists, pageTitle: pageTitle });
In my ts in AllerhiesGroupList Page
let allergiesGroupList: PatientAllergiesGroup = this.navParams.get('allergiesGroupList');
this.pageTitle = this.navParams.get('pageTitle');
this.patientAllergiesLists = (allergiesGroupList.patientAllertList.sort(this.sortingDate));
First of all create a service named data:
export class dataService {
this.setvalue = param;
return this.setvalue;
Second thing in your page you need to send data from:
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import {DataService} from 'put service path here';
constructor(private dataService:DataService,private router:Router...)
onAllergiesDetailsClicked(allergiesGroupLists, pageTitle){
this.dataService.setDestValue({ allergiesGroupList: allergiesGroupLists, pageTitle: pageTitle });
this.router.navigate(["name of page to navigate to as it is named in app-routing"]);
And in the page its routed to:
import {DataService} from 'put service path here';
constructor(private dataService:DataService...){
let data = this.dataService.getDestValue();
this.pagetitle = data.pageTitle;
this.grouplist = data.allergiesGroupList;
Thats all .