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Column chart not updating if a column value decreases

If the values in a Column chart increases the column chart updates and everything looks good. But when the value decreases columns are not updated and it still displays the old values.

private fun drawColumnChart() {
    UpdateSuspender.using(lineChart) {
        lineChart.theme =
        Collections.addAll(lineChart.renderableSeries, rSeries)
        Collections.addAll(lineChart.chartModifiers, sciChartBuilder

private fun createDataSeries(values: Array<Int>): IXyDataSeries<Int, Int> {
    val dataSeries: IXyDataSeries<Int, Int> = sciChartBuilder
            .newXyDataSeries(Int::class.javaObjectType, Int::class.javaObjectType).build()
    for (i in values.indices) {
        dataSeries.append(i, values[i])
    return dataSeries;

private fun createRSeries(values: Array<Int>): FastColumnRenderableSeries {

    val dataSeries: IXyDataSeries<Int, Int> = createDataSeries(values)

    return sciChartBuilder.newColumnSeries()
            .withStrokeStyle(-0xdcdcdd, 0.4f)

private fun createXandYAxis() {
    xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            .withGrowBy(0.2, 0.2)
    yAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
    Collections.addAll(lineChart.xAxes, xAxis)
    Collections.addAll(lineChart.yAxes, yAxis)
  • Example 1: DataSet (A= 50, B=60, C=20) these values are displayed correctly

  • Example 2: DataSet (A= 80, B=60, C=20) A increased from 50 to 80 in this DataSet: these values are displayed correctly as well.

  • Example 3: DataSet (A= 14, B=60, C=20) notice A decreased from 80 to 14 the graph is not refreshed and the old value of A= 80 is displayed

Update The values of Column chart is updated in the listener of donut chart

segments.forEach(Consumer { segment: PieSegment ->
        segment.addIsSelectedChangeListener {
            var chartData  = dataCollector(it.value.toLong())
            vehicleData[0] = chartData.fuels
            vehicleData[1] = chartData.repairs
            vehicleData[2] = chartData.tolls
            vehicleData[3] = chartData.mis

            rSeries = createRSeries(vehicleData)


Thanks for reading :)


  • The problem in your code is that you're adding new column series on top of the old one, because RenderableCollection isn't cleared before you add new column series. I would suggest to add clear() call for renderable series collection into drawColumnChart().

    private fun drawColumnChart() {
        UpdateSuspender.using(lineChart) {
            animator?.cancel() // cancel if there is animation in progress
            Collections.addAll(lineChart.renderableSeries, rSeries)
            animator = sciChartBuilder.newAnimator(rSeries)

    Also I would suggest to set theme and modifiers once, because in case if you leave that code in drawColumnChart() you'll need to clear modifier collection as well + you'll reset theme every time column is rerendered:

    private fun createXandYAxis() {
        xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            .withGrowBy(0.2, 0.2)
        yAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
        UpdateSuspender.using(lineChart) {
            lineChart.theme =
            Collections.addAll(lineChart.xAxes, xAxis)
            Collections.addAll(lineChart.yAxes, yAxis)
            Collections.addAll(lineChart.chartModifiers, sciChartBuilder