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Mocking via stretchr/testify, different return args

Function below describes how to mock using testify. args.Bool(0), args.Error(1) are mocked positional return values.

func (m *MyMockedObject) DoSomething(number int) (bool, error) {

  args := m.Called(number)
  return args.Bool(0), args.Error(1)


Is it possible to return anything other than args.Int(), args.Bool(), args.String()? What if I need to return int64, or a custom struct. Is there a method or am I missing something?

For example:

func (m *someMock) doStuff(p *sql.DB, id int) (res int64, err error)


  • Yes, it is possible by using args.Get and type assertion.

    From the docs:

    // For objects of your own type, use the generic Arguments.Get(index) method and make a type assertion:
    //     return args.Get(0).(*MyObject), args.Get(1).(*AnotherObjectOfMine)

    So, your example would be:

    func (m *someMock) doStuff(p *sql.DB, id int) (res int64, err error) {
        args := m.Called(p, id)
        return args.Get(0).(int64), args.Error(1)

    Additionaly, if your return value is a pointer (e.g. pointer to struct), you should check if it is nil before performing type assertion.