Search code examples

Using the URLconf defined in crp1.urls, Django tried these URL patterns,admin/ The current path, register.html, didn't match any of these.**

Page not found error in django.
I got 404 error my url is and error is

Using the URLconf defined in crp1.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: [name='index'] register [name='register'] admin/ The current path, register.html, didn't match any of these.

I created one folder for projects in that I started reglog application in crp1 folder and index page I am getting but when I click form index.html for sign up page I get above error.
In my application url file I coded:

    path('',views.index, name='index'),
    path('register', views.register, name='register')

in views file:

def index(request):
     return render(request,'index.html')  
def register(request):
    return render(request,'register.html')

and in my project name crp1 file I write following code in crp1.urls:

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('reglog.urls')),

and in register.html

<a href="register.html"></a> 


  • Access (without the .html)

    or change the link to

    <a href="/register"></a>