I'm trying to retrieve a single entry from the Database and successfully getting the value back in my View Model with the help of viewModelScope, but I want this value to be returned back to the calling function which resides in the fragment so it can be displayed on a TextView.
I tried to return the value the conventional way but it didn't work. So, How Can I return this value from viewModelScope.launch to the calling function?
View Model
fun findbyID(id: Int) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val returnedrepo = repo.delete(id)
Log.e(TAG, returnedrepo.toString())
// how to return value from here to Fragment
suspend fun findbyID(id: Int): userentity {
val returneddao = Dao.findbyID(id)
Log.e(TAG, returneddao.toString())
return returneddao
Thank you Nataraj KR for your Help!
Following is the code that worked for me.
View Model
class ViewModel(application: Application):AndroidViewModel(application) {
val TAG = "ViewModel"
val repo: theRepository
val alldata:LiveData<List<userentity>>
val returnedVal = MutableLiveData<userentity>()
init {
val getDao = UserRoomDatabase.getDatabase(application).userDao()
repo = theRepository(getDao)
alldata = repo.allUsers
fun findbyID(id: Int){
viewModelScope.launch {
returnedVal.value = repo.findbyID(id)
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val usermodel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(ViewModel::class.java)
usermodel.alldata.observe(this, Observer {
usermodel.returnedVal.observe(this, Observer {
tv1.text = usermodel.returnedVal.value.toString()
allData.setOnClickListener {
tv1.text = usermodel.alldata.value.toString()
findByID.setOnClickListener {