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Karate Runner with ExecutionHook listener

@Peter - As per your suggestion from my previous queries, I have used ExecutionHooks to implement ReportPortal. I am finding difficulties in passing all the required values from my Runner to Base Runner. Below is my configuration-
Results results = Runner.parallel(tags,path,ScenarioName,Collections.singletonList(new 
@KarateOptions(tags = { "@Shakedown" },
features = "classpath:tests/Shakedown"

I want to understand how can I pass the attributes like Scenario Name, path and tags. ScenarioReporter() is my class where I have implemented Execution Hook. I have a base runner that will have all the details and a normal runner that will have minimal information. I have just given snippets, please don't mind if there are some syntactical errors.


  • You don't need the annotations any more, and you can set all parameters including tags using the new "builder" (fluent interface) on the Runner. Refer the docs:

    Results results = Runner.path("classpath:some/package").tags("~@ignore").parallel(5);

    So it should be easier to inherit from base classes etc. just figure out a way to pass a List<String> of tags and use it.

    Just watch out for this bug, fixed in 0.9.6.RC1: