I am new to Zend FW. I am looking to write a simple feedparser in a controller named Feedparsercontroller's indexAction. but i want to display the parsed feed output as a widget on my index page. how can i drive the output/ variable data to my indexview?
The below is my parser.
class FeedparserController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function init() {
/* Initialize action controller here */
public function indexAction() {
$feedUrl = 'http://feeds.feedburner.com/ZendScreencastsVideoTutorialsAboutTheZendPhpFrameworkForDesktop';
$feed = Zend_Feed_Reader::import ( $feedUrl );
$this->view->gettingStarted = array ();
foreach ( $feed as $entry ) {
if (array_search ( 'Getting Started', $entry->getCategories ()->getValues () )) {
$this->view->gettingStarted [$entry->getLink ()] = $entry->getTitle ();
i want to implement the same with my login , register controllers as well.
Perhaps I'm not understanding your question fully.
But, it seems the best approach here would be to create a separate feed controller that is solely responsible for the business logic associated with feeds (retrieving, massaging, setting to view, etc).
Then, create a partial which contains javascript code to call the feed controller, which then outputs the widget you're desiring. This does a few things very well.
Hope this helps!