I am trying to load assets from an SWC into a SWF at compile time, in as3. I'm getting the information about which assets to load from a JSON file. I can do so statically, but when I try to define the names dynamically, I'm running into problems.
So for example I can do this:
onemech[+ tmpObj.id] = new mech3 as MovieClip;
And it loads the asset named mech3. But what I would like to be able to do is something like
var mechtype:String = "mech" + mechtypenumber;
onemech[+ tmpObj.id] = new mechtype as MovieClip;
Obviously, that doesn't work.
I looked around a bit and I found this here, which seems to be angling toward what I need, but I can't figure out how to apply what's said there to my specific situation.
For the record, I have control over both the JSON format and the naming schema within the asset SWC, if there's an easier solution there.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
you just need something like this:
var s:Class = getDefinitionByName("Symbol") as Class;
addChild(new s());