For example, if I want to know the value of textwidth
in vim, I can dereference it by appending a ?
. Thus, I will simply type :set textwidth?
How can you do the equivalent in tmux
To dereference the value of a tmux setting or variable, you can run the following terminal command:
tmux display-pane -p #{<setting-or-variable-name>}
Or, to be more verbose
tmux display-pane -p "The value of your setting or variable is #{<setting-or-variable-name>}"
Example of a working command:
tmux display-message -p "You have #{display-panes-time}ms to press a number key after running 'display-pane'"
Note: The corresponding command-prompt commands, surprisingly, will fail:
:display-pane #{display-panes-time}
:display-pane #{display-panes-colour}
However, when you add quotes, they act as expected:
:display-pane "#{display-panes-time}"
:display-pane "#{display-panes-colour}"