When I created my installation like this:
sudo docker run -d --name myBlog -p 3001:2368 -e url=http://xxxx.com -v /var/www/myBlog/:/var/lib/ghost --restart always ghost
I was under the impression that I was defining that what ever is on /var/lib/ghost
would be available in /var/www/myBlog/
but it seems that's not the case, when I check on /var/www/myBlog/
there is an empty folder. I created a new post so it can have some data but nothing is there.
Where exactly is the data being stored then? And is there a way I can access my current image that I'm using to see the files inside? I tried sudo docker run -it ghost
but that gets me to the base image, not the one I'm using.
Please run the below command and you should be able to see files under target directory
docker run -d -e url=http://xxxx.com --name some-ghost -p 3001:2368 -v "$(pwd)/target":/var/lib/ghost/content ghost:1-alpine