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JQuery Cycle Plugin - Delay Interval Between Slides Question

I'm using jQuery Cycle Plugin for an image slider. What I'm looking for is something like this:

image1.jpg >> fadeout >> hold on the blank frame for a second >> fadein image2.jpg >> repeat

How can I control the delay before the next fade animation starts, or the interval between 2 slide transitions?

I mean when the first slide image completely fades out, I need it to pause for 1 or 2 seconds before the second image actually begins its fadein animation.

** I need to get this to work during when I'm changing slides with the pager or next/prev links.

I've tried turning sync: 0 to stop simultaneous fading transition between 2 slides but not quite what I was looking for.

Any advice will be appreciated, thanks.


  • You can define a custom transition which fades out the current slide, waits, and then fades in the next slide.

    For a more complete example than below, see:

    $.fn.cycle.transitions.fadeOutWaitFadeIn = function($cont, $slides, opts) {
        opts.fxFn = function(curr, next, opts, after) {
            $(curr).fadeOut(opts.fadeSpeed, function() {
                $(next).delay(opts.delayBetweenFades).fadeIn(opts.fadeSpeed, function() {
    $(function() {
            fx: 'fadeOutWaitFadeIn',
            fadeSpeed: 500,
            delayBetweenFades: 2000,
            //The timeout value includes the fade speed (twice) and delay between fades.
            //e.g. For a 3000 ms timeout, use 3000 + 500 * 2 + 2000 = 6000.
            timeout: 6000

    Note that I'm probably doing something wrong here. The timeout shouldn't have to include the other values. There's also one small issue: The first slide gets shown for 6000ms instead of 3000ms.