I trying to test pylint with default settings and (see python code below) get a warning:
>pylint pylint_test_01.py
>pylint_test_01.py:24:7: W0143: Comparing against a callable, did you omit the parenthesis? (comparison-with-callable)
How can I get rid of this pylint warning without breaking this algorithm and without disable pylint checks (i.e. with default settings)? General principle of enumerating functions from list should remain.
'''Test pylint with default settings warnings'''
from random import randint
def sortaray_builtin(arr):
'''This is built in Python sort function'''
return sorted(arr.copy())
def sortaray_bubble(arr):
'''Bubble sorting algorithm -- is a simplest of sorting algorithms. Perfomance: O(N**2)'''
brr = arr.copy()
for i, _ in enumerate(brr[:-1]):
for j in range(i, len(brr)):
if brr[i] > brr[j]:
brr[i], brr[j] = brr[j], brr[i]
return brr
ARRY = [randint(0, ARSIZE) for i in range(ARSIZE)]
for SrtFunc in SFUNCTIONS:
# Line below cause an W0143: Comparing against a callable, did you omit the parenthesis? (comparison-with-callable)
if SrtFunc == sortaray_builtin:
print("Builtin: ", end='', flush=True)
print("Bubble : ", end='', flush=True)
Option 1
You can disable checks for some places.
if SrtFunc == sortaray_builtin: # pylint: disable=W0143
More info https://pylint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/message-control.html
Option 2
You can get the name of a function with __name__
SrtFunc.__name__ == builtin_sort.__name__
Option 3
Same as the second method, but with .__doc__
SrtFunc.__doc__ == builtin_sort.__doc__
Option 4
You can wrap your functions in objects, e.g. in dict, or create a special class.
class Sorter():
def __init__(self, func):
self.sort = func
builtin = Sorter(sortaray_builtin)
bubble = Sorter(sortaray_bubble)
SFUNCTIONS = [ builtin, bubble ]