In Gradle Groovy I was using
task jacocoRootReport(type: JacocoReport) {
dependsOn = subprojects.test
subprojects.each {
sourceSets it.sourceSets.main
executionData.from fileTree(project.rootDir.absolutePath).include("**/build/jacoco/*.exec")
reports {
html.enabled = true
xml.enabled = true
csv.enabled = false
but I have no idea how to translate it to Kotlin DSL so that Jacoco results from subprojects would get aggregated into one report in root project.
I'd suggest to configure and use an existing task jacocoTestReport
as it already has source sets predefined.
The minimal changes I had to do was to add:
tasks.jacocoTestReport {
reports {
xml.isEnabled = true
dependsOn( { it.tasks.named<Test>("test") })
and the report was generated in build\reports\jacoco\test\jacocoTestReport.xml
If you really need to define your own task, you can aggregate source sets the same way the jacocoTestReport
task does:
(from gradle-6.2\src\jacoco\org\gradle\testing\jacoco\plugins\
The final code may look like this:
tasks.register<JacocoReport>("codeCoverageReport") {
reports {
xml.isEnabled = true
xml.destination = File("${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/report.xml")
html.isEnabled = false
csv.isEnabled = false
dependsOn( { it.tasks.named<Test>("test") })