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can you tell me why this error appears? it concerns function pointers


#include <iostream>
#include "prototipo.hpp"

using namespace std;

int main(){

int num_elem;
int minimo;

void (*compare)(int* x, int* y);
compare comp;
comp = swap;

cout << "Inserire numero di elementi: ";
cin >> num_elem;

int *pointA = new int[num_elem];

ordinamentoArray (pointA, num_elem, comp);




void ordinamentoArray (int pointA[], int num_elem, compare comp);
void swap(int* x,int* y);



#include <iostream>
#include "prototipo.hpp"

using namespace std;

void swap(int* x, int* y){

  int temp = *x;
  *x = *y;
  *y = temp;

void ordinamentoArray (int pointA[], int num_elem, compare comp){

  int indice;
  int indice2;
  int temp;

  for(indice=0; indice<num_elem; indice++){
    for(indice2=indice; indice2>0 && pointA[indice2]<pointA[indice2-1]; indice2--){

      if(pointA[indice2] < pointA[indice2-1]){
        comp(&pointA[indice2], &pointA[indice2-1]);

These are the errors that appear. Among them, the main one is "error: 'compare' has not been declared". I honestly don't know what the mistake is. Can anyone give me a useful tip for solving the problem? I don't know maybe I made a mistake in declaring the function pointer, or I made a mistake passing the parameter


  • In this function declaration

    void ordinamentoArray (int pointA[], int num_elem, compare comp);

    there is used the name compare that was not yet declared.

    In the function main there is defined pointer (object of a pointer type) compare to the function type void( int *, int * )

    void (*compare)(int* x, int* y);

    And then this object that is not a type specifier is used in this statement

    compare comp;

    that does not make sense.

    You should include the definition of the type specifier compare in the header prototipo.hpp before the function declaration either like

    typedef void ( *compare )(int *, int *);

    or like

    using compare = void ( * )( int *, int * );

    After in main remove this declaration

    void (*compare)(int* x, int* y);

    Also the allocated array pointed to by the pointer pointA

    int *pointA = new int[num_elem];

    is passed to the function uninitialized

    ordinamentoArray (pointA, num_elem, comp);

    Pay attention to that it looks strange that the function that compares something returns nothing. Usually such a function in C++ returns an object implicitly convertible to the type bool.