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Nesting BlocBuilders to Manage Multiple States on the same Widget

I wanted to nest the text Update BlocBuilder inside another BlocBuilder that controls its font size through a slider widget. But, I can't get it to work. Please help!

BlocBuilder<SettingsBloc, SettingsState>(
            builder: (context, state) {
       return BlocBuilder<TextFieldBloc, TextFieldState>(
        builder: (context, state) {
          if (state is TextFieldInitState) {
            return Text(
              style: TextStyle(
                fontSize: state.fontSize,
                fontFamily: 'EthiopicWookianos',
                fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                color: Colors.blueGrey,
          } else if (state is TextFieldLaterState) {
            return Text(
              style: TextStyle(
                fontSize: state.fontSize,
                fontFamily: 'EthiopicWookianos',
                fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                color: Colors.blueGrey,
          } else {
            return Text("something wrong");

Here is the code for the TextField Bloc...(of course they are in separate files).

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

abstract class TextFieldEvent {}

class TextInit extends TextFieldEvent {


class TextChange extends TextFieldEvent {
  final String data;

class TextFieldState {}

class TextFieldInitState extends TextFieldState {
  String text;

class TextFieldLaterState extends TextFieldState {
  String text;

class TextFieldBloc extends Bloc<TextFieldEvent, TextFieldState> {
  get initialState => TextFieldInitState(text: '');

  Stream<TextFieldState> mapEventToState(event) async* {
    if (event is TextInit) {
      yield TextFieldInitState(text: "");
    } else if (event is TextChange) {
      yield TextFieldLaterState(text:;

Here is the code for the Settings Bloc...(they are in separate files too).

part of 'settings_bloc.dart';

abstract class SettingsEvent {
  final dynamic payload;


class FontSize extends SettingsEvent {
FontSize(payload) : super(payload);

abstract class SettingsState {
  final double sliderFontSize;


  double get fontSize => sliderFontSize;


class InitialSettingsState extends SettingsState {
  InitialSettingsState() : super(
    sliderFontSize: 20,


class NewSettingsState extends SettingsState {
  NewSettingsState.fromOldSettingsState(SettingsState oldState,
      {double sliderFontSize})
      : super(
    sliderFontSize: sliderFontSize ?? oldState.sliderFontSize,

class SettingsBloc extends Bloc<SettingsEvent, SettingsState> {

  SettingsState get initialState => InitialSettingsState();

  Stream<SettingsState> mapEventToState(SettingsEvent event) async* {
    if (event is FontSize) {
      SettingsState currentState;
      yield NewSettingsState.fromOldSettingsState(
          currentState, sliderFontSize: event.payload);




  • you are using two bloc together and for state you have same variable name. so when you are using it, it will consider inner state variable only.

    so i think just if you just change settingstate variable name then it should work. give it a try.

    BlocBuilder<SettingsBloc, SettingsState>(
                builder: (context, Settingstate) { //change variable name
           return BlocBuilder<TextFieldBloc, TextFieldState>(
            builder: (context, state) {
              if (state is TextFieldInitState) {
                return Text(
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: Settingstate.fontSize, // change variable name
                    fontFamily: 'EthiopicWookianos',
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
                    color: Colors.blueGrey,