If you see the picture below, the blue branch is a feature branch
Dev A and Dev B are working on. No one has branched off of the feature branch. But when Dev B removed some files, committed and pushed the changes to repo, it was created as a branch of the feature branch
in git client graphical view (sourcetree). When Dev B checks git status
, it still says the working branch is the same feature branch
Dev A created some service class, committed and pushed it. It shows it still is in the feature branch
. Why does this exactly happen, anyone can help explain please? Is it just graphical? Or either Dev A or Dev B didn't pull a change in between. Additionaly, on next git push
by Dev B, the red new branch merged back to the feature branch.
Upon request, here is the git log
of Dev B:
* af335d1 added...
* 63fa2a2 Merge branch 'feature-branch' of github.devops.abcCorp.local:namespace/project into feature-branch
| * c8d62c1 removed...
* | 74456c5 created...
* b321f9a fixed...
* 97d7c33 added...
What happened is Dev A tried to push, but it got rejected, so (s)he pulled and then pushed successfully.
A pull
is equivalent to a fetch
and a merge
. For example, if you are on feature_branch
git pull origin feature_branch
is equivalent to
git fetch
git merge origin/feature_branch
The reason there's a branch in the log is that, since Dev A's local branch diverged from the remote branch, a fast-forward merge was not possible and git had to create a merge commit.
You can avoid this by using git pull --rebase
to reapply your local commits on top of the remote branch.
| local feature_branch remote reature_branch
before | A--B--C A--B--D
pull | A--B--C--M
| \ /
| D
pull --rebase | A--B--D--C'