I have created a wrapper that surrounds Route objects(react-router-dom) with the Amplify withAuthenticator HoC so I can get sure they are only available to logged in users and show the Amplify Login screen instead for those not logged in. This works perfect and after login I can see that the whole pages are having the Greetings bar on top(the white bar that says "Hello X" with an orange logout button right to it). I want to modify this button not just in style(I prefer the button green), but additionally I would love to add some menu buttons on the left side to use it for navigation.
Unfortunately no matter what I try either I create another bar that is below the Greetings or the Greetings just disappear. I have tried this:
import React from 'react';
import { ConfirmSignIn, ConfirmSignUp, ForgotPassword, RequireNewPassword, SignIn, SignUp, VerifyContact, withAuthenticator, Greetings } from 'aws-amplify-react';
import AuthGreeting from './views/AuthGreeting'
export const AuthRouter = props => (
export default withAuthenticator(AuthRouter, false,[
<AuthGreeting override='Greetings'/>,
<RequireNewPassword />
as well as
export const AuthRouter = props => (
<Authenticator hide={['Greetings']}>
<AuthGreeting override={'Greetings'}/>
export default AuthRouter;
I tried both with and without the override parameter.
My AuthGreeting class is this:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { NavBar, Nav, NavRight, Greetings } from 'aws-amplify-react';
class AuthGreeting extends Greetings{
const theme = this.props.theme;
<NavBar theme={theme}>
<Nav theme={theme}>
<NavRight theme={theme}>
export default AuthGreeting;
Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Would be great if you have some advices how I can replace the default Greetings bar with a customized one.
Thanks in advance :)
Regards Christian
I have solved it now in a different way. I use
export default withAuthenticator(AuthRouter, false) //Show no Greetings
additionally I get the current logged in user via
bypassCache: false}).then(data => this.login(data)) //save username and groups in redux if available
.catch(err => this.logout());} //clear username and groups in redux
and add a listener that will update redux every time the user logs on of off
const listener = async (data) => {
switch (data.payload.event) {
case 'signIn':
logger.error('user signed in');
await this.login(data.payload.data)
case 'signOut':
logger.error('user signed out');
await this.logout()
Hub.listen('auth', listener);
I added both to the componentDidMount() of my App.js with a StoreProvider in the index.js so I can access Redux
My wrapper also loads another wrapper where it checks redux if a user is logged in and displays the menu then.
This way I can also check if the user is a member of groups and therefore show only the menu entries he has permissions to watch.