I'm using v4 of AntD and have imported @ant-design/icons in order to use LeftOutlined.
In the docs for antd icons (https://ant.design/components/icon/) It lists the following for the fill attribute:
fill | Define the color used to paint the svg element | string | 'currentColor'
I assumed that this meant I could do this but it is not working:
<RightOutlined fill="#4E89FF" />
Instead for now I am using the style attribute and is working:
style | The computed style of the svg element | CSSProperties | -
<LeftOutlined style={{color: "#4E89FF"}} />
. .
Did I misunderstand the fill attribute?
That section of the docs you reference is for custom SVGs that you import. The api for their icons such as the one's you're trying to use are above that.