Let's say I have a JsValue in the form:
"businessDetails" : {
"name" : "Business",
"phoneNumber" : "+44 0808 157 0192"
"employees" : [
"name" : "Employee 1",
"phoneNumber" : "07700 900 982"
"name" : "Employee 2",
"phoneNumber" : "+44(0)151 999 2458"
I was wondering if there is a way to do an update on every value belonging to a key with a certain name inside a JsValue
regardless of its complexity?
Ideally I'd like to map on every phone number to ensure that a (0)
is removed if there is one.
I have come across play-json-zipper updateAll
but I'm getting unresolved dependency issues when adding the library to my sbt
Any help either adding the play-json-zipper
library or implementing this in ordinary play-json
would be much appreciated.
From what I can see in play-json-zipper
project page, you might forgot to add resolver resolvers += "mandubian maven bintray" at "http://dl.bintray.com/mandubian/maven"
If it won't help, and you would like to proceed with custom implementation: play-json
does not provide folding or traversing API over JsValue
out of the box, so it can be implemented recursively in the next way:
* JSON path from the root. Int - index in array, String - field
type JsPath = Seq[Either[Int,String]]
type JsEntry = (JsPath, JsValue)
type JsTraverse = PartialFunction[JsEntry, JsValue]
implicit class JsPathOps(underlying: JsPath) {
def isEndsWith(field: String): Boolean = underlying.lastOption.contains(Right(field))
def isEndsWith(index: Int): Boolean = underlying.lastOption.contains(Left(index))
def /(field: String): JsPath = underlying :+ Right(field)
def /(index: Int): JsPath = underlying :+ Left(index)
implicit class JsValueOps(underlying: JsValue) {
* Traverse underlying json based on given partially defined function `f` only on scalar values, like:
* null, string or number.
* @param f function
* @return updated json
def traverse(f: JsTraverse): JsValue = {
def traverseRec(prefix: JsPath, value: JsValue): JsValue = {
val lifted: JsValue => JsValue = value => f.lift(prefix -> value).getOrElse(value)
value match {
case JsNull => lifted(JsNull)
case boolean: JsBoolean => lifted(boolean)
case number: JsNumber => lifted(number)
case string: JsString => lifted(string)
case array: JsArray =>
val updatedArray = array.value.zipWithIndex.map {
case (arrayValue, index) => traverseRec(prefix / index, arrayValue)
case `object`: JsObject =>
val updatedFields = `object`.fieldSet.toSeq.map {
case (field, fieldValue) => field -> traverseRec(prefix / field, fieldValue)
traverseRec(Nil, underlying)
which can be used in the next way:
val json =
| "businessDetails" : {
| "name" : "Business",
| "phoneNumber" : "+44(0) 0808 157 0192"
| },
| "employees" : [
| {
| "name" : "Employee 1",
| "phoneNumber" : "07700 900 982"
| },
| {
| "name" : "Employee 2",
| "phoneNumber" : "+44(0)151 999 2458"
| }
| ]
val updated = Json.parse(json).traverse {
case (path, JsString(phone)) if path.isEndsWith("phoneNumber") => JsString(phone.replace("(0)", ""))
which will produce desired result:
"businessDetails" : {
"name" : "Business",
"phoneNumber" : "+44 0808 157 0192"
"employees" : [ {
"name" : "Employee 1",
"phoneNumber" : "07700 900 982"
}, {
"name" : "Employee 2",
"phoneNumber" : "+44151 999 2458"
} ]
Hope this helps!