I'd like to output Pester's code coverage data in JaCoCo format. The Pester repo indicates this is possible: https://github.com/pester/Pester#code-coverage
But I can't find any info about how to actually do it in the docs: https://pester.dev/docs/usage/code-coverage
I tried using the command below to see if the outputted XML includes any coverage data but it doesn't.
Invoke-Pester -Tag 'Unit' -CodeCoverage '**/*.psm1' -OutputFile Test-Pester.XML -OutputFormat NUnitXML
Is this possible using Pester 3.4.0? If no, how is it done using the latest versions of Pester?
Looks like it's not possible in Pester 3.4.0, but is possible starting somewhere in v4.
The docs here outline the options: https://pester.dev/docs/commands/Invoke-Pester#default-default
An example usage could be:
Invoke-Pester -Tag 'Unit' -CodeCoverage '**/*.psm1' -CodeCoverageOutputFile 'Pester-Coverage.xml' -CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat JaCoCo