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Laravel 6-7 How Can I Override/Change a Vendor Class?

I recently ran into a problem where I need to change one of Laravel's vendor files to get a desired result. That file is vendor/laravel/framework/Illuminate/Routing/CompileRouteCollection.php.

Inside that file, a function needs to be changed.

protected function requestWithoutTrailingSlash(Request $request)
    $trimmedRequest = Request::createFromBase($request);

    $parts = explode('?', $request->server->get('REQUEST_URI'), 2);

        'REQUEST_URI', rtrim($parts[0], '/').(isset($parts[1]) ? '?'.$parts[1] : '')

    return $trimmedRequest;

More specifically, this part: rtrim($parts[0], '/'). That / at the end needs to be removed in order for parts of my routes to work.

I have tried creating my own custom class inside: App\Helpers\CompiledRouteCollection.php. In which I copy the function listed above and make my own changes.


namespace App\Helpers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class CompiledRouteCollection extends \Illuminate\Routing\CompiledRouteCollection
    protected function requestWithoutTrailingSlash(Request $request)
        $trimmedRequest = Request::createFromBase($request);

        $parts = explode('?', $request->server->get('REQUEST_URI'), 2);

            'REQUEST_URI', rtrim($parts[0], '').(isset($parts[1]) ? '?'.$parts[1] : '')

        return $trimmedRequest;

Then I go into App\Providers\AppServiceProvider and I run this inside of the register function.

public function register()
    $loader = AliasLoader::getInstance();
    $loader->alias('App\Helpers\CompiledRouteCollection', 'Illuminate\Routing\CompiledRouteCollection');

But nothing happens.


I changed my alias to this:

$loader = AliasLoader::getInstance();
$loader->alias('Illuminate\Routing\CompiledRouteCollection', 'App\Helpers\CompiledRouteCollection');

But now in my Helper class it returns this error when trying to access any page: Class 'Illuminate\Routing\CompiledRouteCollection' not found

To anyone who is interested in helping me out thank you so much. If you need more information please let me know!

If you need more context I opened up an issue on laravel/framework that has the full background explanation here


  • I resulted to using composer to ovveride the file instead, as my previous method was not working whatsoever. Here is what I did.

    Firstly, in the autoload section of the composer.json file I added this:

    "exclude-from-classmap": [
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/",
        "Illuminate\\": "app/Overrides/"

    Next I created the Ovverides folder in the app folder and then I copied the CompiledRouteCollection.php file and pasted it inside of the Ovverides folder.