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How to modify this php function to check all lines before result execution?

I have corrected a code,whice should only echo all 'lines' containing word "TrxID",from file.html. but it is returns first of the 'paragraph' amongst them whice contains "TrxID", thus there are more than 3 lines contains "TrxID".


    <html lang="en"> <body> <p> recieved $500<br /> to 862444947 successful<br /> Fee $ 9<br />25<br /> Balance Tk $1000<br />78<br /> TrxID 6DU2ATVQCO at 30/04/2019 19:25<br />download the app </p>

  <p> recieved $500<br /> to 862444947 successful<br /> Fee $ 9<br />25<br /> Balance Tk $1000<br />78<br /> Tr 6DU2ATVQCO at 30/04/2019 19:25<br />download the app </p>

  <p> recieved $500<br /> to 862444947 successful<br /> Fee $ 9<br />25<br /> Balance Tk $1000<br />78<br /> TrxID 6DU2ATVQgfCO at 30/04/2019 19:25<br />download the app </p>

  <p> recieved $500<br /> to 862444947 successful<br /> Fee $ 9<br />25<br /> Balance Tk $1000<br />78<br /> 6DU2ATVQCO at 30/04/2019 19:25<br />download the app </p> </body> </html>        


   <?php  function checkFile( $file, $keyword ) {

// open file for reading
$handle = @fopen( $file, 'r' );

// check to make sure handle is valid
if( $handle ) {

    // traverse file line by line
    while( ($line = fgets($handle)) !== false ) {

        // search for specific keyword no matter what case is used i.e. trxid or TrxID
        if( stripos($line, $keyword) === false ) {
            // string not found, continue with next iteration
        } else {

            // keyword was found

            // close file

            // return line
            return $line;
} } $result = checkFile( 'file.html', 'TrxID' );  echo $result; ?>      


recieved $500 to 862444947 successful Fee $ 9 25 Balance Tk $1000 78 TrxID 6DU2ATVQCO at 30/04/2019 19:25 download the app

I want :

TrxID 6DU2ATVQCO at 30/04/2019 19:25

Now I want to make sure,

  1. It should only returns line contains 'TRXID',Not paragraph,if I replace br/ with 'paragraph tag' result remains same
  2. It should show all lines,just not a single result.on this function it just returns the first not all.

Hoping your help.Thanks in Advance.


  • I modified your code a little:

    function checkFile($file, $keyword)
        $handle = @fopen($file, 'r');
        if ($handle) {
            while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
                if (stripos($line, $keyword) === false) {
                } else {
                    $exploded = explode('<br />', $line);
                    foreach ($exploded as $e) {
                        if (stripos($e, $keyword) !== false) {
                            $lines[] = substr($e, 0, strpos($e, "at"));
        return $lines;
    $result = checkFile('file.html', 'TrxID');
    print_r($result); // return array of lines

    or if you want to echo it :

    echo $output = implode('<br />', $result);

    If you want just string after trxid:

    function checkFile($file, $keyword)
        $fileContents = file_get_contents($file);
        $result = preg_match_all('/(?<=\b'.$keyword.'\s)(?:[\w-]+)/is', $fileContents, $matches);
        return preg_filter('/^/', $keyword.' ', $matches[0]);
    $result = checkFile('file.html', 'TrxID');
    print_r($result); // return array of lines