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Terraform - How to Create a GKE Cluster and Install Helm Charts?


I have a specific workflow to set up a fresh Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud. And I want to automate the process with Terraform. Those are the steps:

  1. Create cluster
    gcloud beta container --project "my-google-project" clusters create "cluster-name" --zone "europe-west3-b"
  2. Setup Helm repos
    helm repo add stable
    helm repo add jetstack
    helm repo update
  3. Install NGINX Ingress
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
    helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress
  4. Install Cert-Manager
    kubectl apply --validate=false -f
    kubectl create namespace cert-manager
    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager


The first step will probably look like this:

resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
  name               = "cluster-name"
  location           = "europe-west3-b"
  initial_node_count = 3

  master_auth {
    username = ""
    password = ""

    client_certificate_config {
      issue_client_certificate = false

  node_config {
    oauth_scopes = [

    metadata = {
      disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"

But I have no idea how to approach steps 2 - 4.


  • While Terraform makes sense for building and provisioning cloud infrastructure for things like Kubernetes to run on, it doesn't necessarily make sense to be used to configure said infrastructure after deployment. I think most infrastructure designs would consider applications deployed onto a provisioned cluster as configurations to said cluster. The semantics here are surely a bit nuanced but I maintain that a tool like Ansible is better suited to deploy applications to your cluster after provisioning.

    So my advice would be to define a handful of Ansible Roles. Perhaps:


    Within each respective role, define the tasks and variables that are required to be used as per the Galaxy schema. Lastly, define a Playbook that Ansible uses to include or import these roles. This would allow you to provision your infrastructure and deploy all of the required applications to it in a single command:

    ansible-playbook playbook.yml