I am trying to figure out how to get the size (num of "levels") of a custom tree-like data structure defined this way:
case class PrefixTreeImpl[K, +V](value: Option[V], prefixTree: Map[K, PrefixTree[K, V]]) extends PrefixTree[K, V]
As you can see it implements the PrefixTree
interface (trait actually) which has a size()
method amongst others:
def size: Int
I am trying to implement it using foldLeft() Scala method, but I don't really understand how it works with this kind of sophisticated data structures So far I came up with this and got stuck:
override def size: Int = {
if (prefixTree.isEmpty) 0
prefixTree.foldLeft(0) {(z, Map[K, PrefixTree[K, V]]()) => z + 1}
Obviously it doesn't compile, but I couldn't come up with something else yet.
The way the DS works is:
in: scala>val tree2 = tree1.put(List("one", "two"), 12)
out: PrefixTreeImpl(None,Map(one -> PrefixTreeImpl(None,Map(two -> PrefixTreeImpl(Some(12),Map(tree -> PrefixTreeImpl(Some(123),Map())))))))
It can be done recursively in a next way:
override def size: Int = {
if(prefixTree.nonEmpty) prefixTree.values.map(_.size + 1).max else 0
So next test:
val tree = PrefixTreeImpl(None ,Map("one" -> PrefixTreeImpl(None, Map("two" -> PrefixTreeImpl(Some(12),Map("tree" -> PrefixTreeImpl(Some(123), Map.empty[String, PrefixTree[String, Int]])))))))
produces result: 3
Hope this helps!