The Rmarkdown code below puts two tables in a list, then tries to show them with a for loop.
title: "Testing Section Numbers"
author: "Authors"
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```{r pressure2, echo=FALSE}
tables <- list(
kable(pressure[1:5,], caption = "My first table"),
kable(pressure[1:5,], caption = "My second table"))
first way works:
```{r pressure3a, echo=FALSE}
second way blank:
```{r pressure3b, echo=FALSE}
for (table in tables) {
third way has raw text:
```{r pressure3c, echo=FALSE}
for (table in tables) {
fourth way badly formatted:
```{r pressure3d, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
for (table in tables) {
fifth way blank:
```{r pressure3e, echo=FALSE}
for (idx in 1:length(tables)) {
The first way displays the tables properly, but is not a for loop. The other ways do not work.
How do I display multiple kables in one chunk with a for loop?
I've seen people use for loops in several answers, so I may be missing something simple.
Your third approach was almost right ;-)
Just use the option results = "asis"
```{r pressure3b, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
for (table in tables) {