In my code I computed the Collaz sequences of the range from start to end. I ran the code and everything prints correctly except for the starting element of the sequence with the greatest value. I debugged and saw that my max is correct however I end up printing the end for the starting number of the sequence with the greastest value. I tried resetting i and I also tried to see if there was an issue with my if statement
Ideally it should look like this once correct Example Program:
Start: 1
End: 6
Max Value: 16 (3)
Here is my code
int main()
// This declare the int start and end and prints them to the user as well as takes what the user gives
int start, end;
std::cout << "Start: ";
std::cin >> start;
std::cout << "End: ";
std::cin >> end;
// Here a vector called sequences is created. This holds a Collatz Sequences
std::vector<CollatzSequence> sequences;
int i = start;
while (i <= end)
i = i + 1;
// A vector is made to hold the collatz sequences
std::vector<int> maxValues;
i = 0;
while (i < sequences.size())
i = i + 1;
// Here this declares varibles as intagers
int max = maxValues[0];
int maxIndex = 0;
// The i (index) is declare as integer
int i = 1;
// While i is less then the size of the vector maxValues
while (i < maxValues.size())
// If true (the element at maxValue is greater then the max)
if (maxValues[i] > max)
// max value will be that element
max = maxValues[i];
// maxIndex will be the idex at maxValue or address
maxIndex = maxValues[i];
// i is then incremented which mean it will go through the sequence at each address
i = i + 1;
std::cout << "Max Value: " << max << " (" << sequences[maxIndex].getStart() << ")\n";
And here is where I define my functions
CollatzSequence::CollatzSequence(int start)
int CollatzSequence::getMax()
int max = getNumbers()[0];
for (int i = 1; i < getNumbers()[i]; i++)
if (getNumbers()[i] > max)
max = getNumbers()[i];
return max;
int CollatzSequence::getStart()
int start = getNumbers()[0];
return start;
std::vector<int> const & CollatzSequence::getNumbers()
return numbers;
Please let me know if you see and error I don't or if I did something wrong. I tried to only post what is needed and not post 4 files. Thank you for your time.
I guess you solved the problem by yourself right now. But anyway, lets answer the question so that it is not an 0-answer count.
The bug is in that line:
// maxIndex will be the idex at maxValue or address
maxIndex = maxValues[i];
You do not store the index, but the value. And that could be a big value and hence, out of bounds.
The correct solution is:
// maxIndex will be the idex at maxValue or address
maxIndex = i;
That should work.
Just for the fun of it, I created a "more-modern-C++"-elements solution using the algorithm library. Please see:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// Collatz Sequence and its max value
struct CollatzSequence {
CollatzSequence() {}
// This will construct the collatez sequence and calculate the max value
explicit CollatzSequence(unsigned int value);
// Values of the Collatz Sequence
std::vector<unsigned int> data{};
// The maximum value of all values of the Collatz sequence
unsigned int maxValue{ 1U };
// Constructor for the Collatz Sequence. Will calculate all values of the sequence and the maxim value
CollatzSequence::CollatzSequence(unsigned int value) {
// We calculate values as long as we did not find 1, always the last vale
// (There is no mathematicla evidence that this is always true)
while (value > 1U) {
// Store the current calculated value
// Check, if this is the biggest value so far, and, if so, store it
maxValue = std::max(value, maxValue);
// Calculate next value in the row according to the Collatz Sequence rules
value = ((value & 1U) == 0) ? (value >> 1U) : (3U * value + 1U);
// Always add 1 as the last element. This we do not need to calculate
int main() {
// Inform user to enter start end end value
std::cout << "Calculate Collatz sequences. Please specify a range, a start and a end value:\n";
// Read the start value and check, if this worked
if (unsigned int rangeStart{}; std::cin >> rangeStart) {
// Now read end value and check, if a correct range has been specified
if (unsigned int rangeEnd{}; (std::cin >> rangeEnd) && rangeStart <= rangeEnd) {
// Create a vector for Collatz Sequences. Allocate sufficent elements for the specified range
std::vector<CollatzSequence> sequences(rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1);
// Create all requested sequences
std::generate(sequences.begin(), sequences.end(), [i = rangeStart]()mutable { return CollatzSequence(i++); });
// Get the max element
std::vector<CollatzSequence>::iterator mve = max_element(sequences.begin(), sequences.end(),
[](const CollatzSequence& cs1, const CollatzSequence& cs2) { return cs1.maxValue < cs2.maxValue; });
// Show result to the world
std::cout << "Max Value: " << mve->maxValue << " (" << mve->data[0] << ")\n";
else {
std::cerr << "\n*** Error: Invalid range specified\n";
else {
std::cerr << "\n*** Error: Could not get start value for range\n ";
return 0;