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How to mount EFS on ECS cluster Using the efsVolumeConfiguration task definition parameter Beta which was launched by AWS in Jan 2020

AWS provides this in the documentation here

    "containerDefinitions": [
            "name": "container-using-efs",
            "image": "amazonlinux:2",
            "entryPoint": [
        "command": [
            "ls -la /mount/efs"
            "mountPoints": [
                    "sourceVolume": "myEfsVolume",
                    "containerPath": "/mount/efs",
                    "readOnly": true
    "volumes": [
            "name": "myEfsVolume",
            "efsVolumeConfiguration": {
                "fileSystemId": "fs-1234",
                "rootDirectory": "/path/to/my/data"

i have created an EFS file system assigned it with the security group allowing inbound NFS and the EFS uses that security group and the subnet and VPC which my ECS cluster uses


When i use the AWS management console to create a mount point in my task definition i have to enter the containerPath else mountPoints is not reflected in my JSON


1)What should my containerPath be under mountPoints ?

2)Should i specify a rootDirectory under efsVolumeConfiguration ?


1) I am running wordpress on my ECS cluster

2) I want persistent storage for my container that is why i am attempting to mount EFS

3) I want to map all of my wordpress files onto the EFS container so any changes i make are not reversed when the container restarts


  • This question has been getting a lot of views.. so i wanted to help everyone out

    So i mentioned how to use this feature in a blog i have posted here,

    Check step 4 to step 7 and step 8 to step 12

    This will give you a good idea of how to implement it practically in the AWS Management console

    hope this helps the community :)