I have a Django 3 application, using an LDAP service class, like this :
class LDAPService:
def init(self, host: str, user: str, password: str, ssl: bool = True):
def bind(): # The connection is done here, __init__ just sets values
def create_ou(base: str, ou_name: str):
Where (or when) should I initialize the service to use it in views ? The bind step takes about 2 seconds to apply, I can not do it on every request. How can I keep an instance of this class shared, and not done every single time ? I may have a solution using singleton, and/or initializing it in like settings files, but i think there is a better way to do it.
I know in production, there may be multiple workers, so multiple instances, but i am ok with it.
Another question: How can everything above be done, with connections credentials from a database model (so not at django startup, but at anytime)
I am totally new to the django ecosystem, the things i have found about a service layer were all about django models. I want to do the same interface i would do for models in a regular service layer, but working on something else than django models.
I think the LDAP connection itself should not be there, only the CRUD methods, but i do not know where to place it, and how to make django interact with.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions :)
You can use a memoized factory function:
def get_ldap_service() -> LDAPService:
if not hasattr(get_ldap_service, 'instance'):
get_ldap_service.instance = LDAPService(**input_from_somewhere)
return get_ldap_service.instance
This is cleaner than a Singleton and allows for easier testability of the service class.
Additionally, it might be a better design to send the low-level connection logic to another class, say
class LDAPConnection:
def __init__(self, host: str, user: str, password: str, ssl: bool = True):
and then your service layer would take that as a dependency at run-time (dependency injection)
class LDAPService:
def __init__(self, connection: LDAPConnection):
self.connection = connection
# CRUD operations
def create_ou(self, base: str, ou_name: str):
# Do operations via self.connection
This allows for different connections exposing the same interface.
You can build from these two ideas (dependency injection and caching) to get more complicated general structures in a maintainable way.