I would like to get the velocity for each touches using UIPanGestureRecognizer
like what you can do with the location of the touches using the method location(ofTouch: Int, in: UIView)
. However, when I use the method velocity(in: view)
, it only returns one of the velocities of the touches. I tried changing the maximumNumberOfTouches
property but it didn't work.
Is there any way you can achieve this?
Ok, so I solved this by creating a 2d array of CGPoint
called touchLocations
and another array of CGPoint
called touchVelocities
. In a for loop looping through all the touches, I added
if !touchLocations.indices.contains(touchNumber) {
touchLocations[touchNumber].append(sender.location(ofTouch: touchNumber, in: view))
to assign a new CGPoint
for each touches (touchNumber
is the index of the touch and sender
is the gesture recognizer).
Then I added
touchLocations[touchNumber] = touchLocations[touchNumber].suffix(2)
So that the array only contains the last 2 elements.
To get the velocity, I simply did
touchVelocities.insert(CGPoint(x: touchLocations[touchNumber].last!.x - touchLocations[touchNumber].first!.x, y: touchLocations[touchNumber].last!.y - touchLocations[touchNumber].first!.y), at: touchNumber)
(Subtracted the first x value from the second x value for the x velocity, and did the same thing for the y velocity)
I know this method is not very accurate, however it was good enough for my purposes.