I have this code which builds an IList<string>
IList<string> databases;
using (MySqlConnection _conn = Session.Connection)
using (MySqlCommand _cmd = _conn.CreateCommand("SHOW databases"))
_cmd.Connection.Open ( );
var _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
databases = new List<string> ( _dr.SelectFromReader ( reader =>
reader[ 0 ] is DBNull ? null : reader[ 0 ].ToString ( ) ) );
_cmd.Connection.Close ( );
dgrid_Main.DataSource = databases;
Follow the workings of extension method SelectFromReader
The question is, how come dgrid_Main is displaying the length of each database ...
... rather than the name? I ran this test:
foreach (string db in databases)
// winform treeview control
trv_ServerObjects.Nodes.Add ( db );
... I get the following result:
Because the DataSource property on dgrid_Main will bind each public property of the object in collection and not the object it self. And Length is one public-property of the string object.
When you actually iterate through the IList you get the list of database-names.
Try this..
dgrid_Main.DataSource = databases.ToList().Select(db => new { db });