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Maintenance Mode to one computer in Application Control inside Deep Security 12

I'm trying to put a computer into maintenance mode in Application Control module inside Deep Security 12 using this Python script via API:


import deepsecurity as api
from import ApiException as api_exception
import time, sys, warnings, pprint
import urllib3

# Setup
configuration = api.Configuration() = ''

# Authentication
configuration.api_key['api-secret-key'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

computer_id = "989"
api_version = 'v1'

def turn_on_maintenance_mode():

  # Create and configure an ApplicationControlComputerExtesnion object
  application_control = api.ApplicationControlComputerExtension()
  application_control.maintenance_mode_status = "on"
  application_control.maintenance_mode_duration = "0"

  # Add the ApplicationControlComputerExtension to a Computer object
  computer = api.Computer()
  computer.application_control_computer_extension = application_control

    # Update the computer
    computers_api = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))
    return computers_api.modify_computer(computer_id, computer, api_version)

  except api_exception as e:
    return "Exception: " + str(e)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The script executes without any error and the Computer receives the policy change (so communication with the API and this computer is OK), but the Computer not put itself into maintenance mode.

Any ideas of what is happening?

Thanks in advance!


  • computer.application_control_computer_extension = application_control

    should be:

    computer.application_control = application_control

    It seems the sample python code in the Automation Center article for this was incorrect. It should be updated soon.