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Generating an attestation certification for an Ed25519 keypair on the YubiHSM 2

Does the YubiHSM 2's attestation mechanism support attesting for Ed25519 keypairs?

The following yubihsm-shell session fails:

session open 1 password
generate asymmetric 0 100 test-key 1 sign-eddsa ed25519
attest asymmetric 0 100 0

with the following message:

Failed to attest asymmetric key: Malformed command / invalid data

Meanwhile, attestations of both RSA and NIST-B EC keypairs (i.e., ecp256, ecp384) work as expected. The YubiHSM documentation doesn't make any reference to this deficiency.


  • As of YubiHSM2 release 2019.12, the Known Issues and Limitations page states:

    Attestation currently does not support ed25519 keys.