I was wondering if this security rule would be possible:
function productForUser() {
return resource.data.products.hasAny(get(/databases/$(database)/documents/Users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.products);
When I try to test it in the testing plaground on the Firebase website, it is sucessful. However, when I try to run it with Javascript, with this query, I get the read denied, with "missing or insufficient permissions":
query.where("products", "array-contains", productId);
I can confirm that the user has the array of products, containg the specific product that is being looked up in the query.
Thanks in advance.
Your rule works in the console simulator because the simulator only supports "get" type requests for a single document. It doesn't work for queries because security rules are not filters. The rule will not be evaluated for each and every document in the collection, as that would not scale well at all for very large collections. To specify conditions for queries, you will need to provide exact values to check from the client - you will not be able to use a get() to find other values.
If you want to test queries before publishing your rules, you should not be using the simulator, and instead use the local emulator to test code that actually performs a query.