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Bind WPF DataGridTemplateColumnn ComboBox after page had loaded

I am having problems binding to a DataGridTemplateColumn column on my control. I've read several posts about this, but none seem to be working properly for me, possibly because of the application architecture - I'm not sure. Binding to the DataGridTextColumn works, but the ComboBox I have defined inside the template column is blank. I have this XAML snippet::

    <jibcontrols:JibGrid x:Name="UsersDataGrid">
                        <ComboBox Text="{Binding Path=Role}" ItemsSource="{Binding Item, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type DataGridRow}, Mode=FindAncestor}}" DisplayMemberPath="Role"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Width="2*" Binding="{Binding Role}"></DataGridTextColumn>

We are using a message bus architecture, so the data source is not ready when the page initially loads. After the data is returned from the service, a method is called to populate the DataGrid:

    private void UpdateGrid(Users o)
        Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
            var entities = o.OrderBy(e => e.Role);

            UsersDataGrid.FilteredItemsSource = entities;
            UsersDataGrid.DataContext = entities;

What have I gotten wrong in this scenario?


  • I looked through a tutorial and saw what I was doing wrong. There were a couple things, but how I resolved it was creating a custom class with the values I needed (there were only two):

    public class RoleList : List<string>
        public RoleList()

    Next, I added the namespace where the class resided:


    I then added a Page.Resources tag to hold my new data source:

        <dm:RoleList x:Key="RoleList" />

    Last but not least, I actually configured the ComboBox correctly (always a useful thing to do), using the ItemsSource pointing to my data source, and the SelectedItem pointing to the class property that holds the "Role" field:

            <DataGridTemplateColumn Width="*">
                        <ComboBox ItemsSource="{StaticResource RoleList}" SelectedItem="{Binding Role}" />