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How to prevent Deadlock with Usermanager?

I have a registration page on blazor (server). On that Page I want to implement a register function using AspnetCor.Identity

This is the Method: (_usermanager is of type AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager<>)

  public bool Register(RegisterUser regUser)
        var newUser = new ApplicationUser { Email = regUser.Mail, UserName = regUser.Mail};           
        var sd= _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, "password").Result;
        if (!sd.Succeeded)
            return false;
        return true;

The method is called from within HandleValidSubmit on the blazor-page:

<EditForm Model="@_registerUser" OnValidSubmit="HandleValidSubmit">
@code {
      private void HandleValidSubmit()
            if (identity.Register(_registerUser)) {

When Registration fails it works just as designed returning false. But when registration would be fine I end up in a Deadlock at _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, "password").Result;

When I do not try to make the async-call synchronous and replace the call by _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, "password") (and simply ignore any return value) the user gets created without an issue.

How should I handle an async-call with return-value from within HandleValidSubmit?


  • Make everything async - returning Tasks and awaiting them as appropriate. Don't call .Result or .Success. Let the compiler help you write better async code.

    For instance make HandleValidSubmit async.

    private async void HandleValidSubmit()
        if (await identity.RegisterAsync(_registerUser)) 

    async void should be only used for event-type things since they are akin to "fire and forget".