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Mattermost API create a direct message channel with powershell

I can't find enough documentation or a working example for this.

From the official website it seems to be possible, I tried this:

$Payload = { text:Hello; username:bot; channel:user}
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri token% -Method Post 
-ContentType 'application/json' -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Payload

but always get same error:

Invoke-RestMethod : {"id":"web.incoming_webhook.text.app_error","message":"No text
At line:1 char:1


  • Well, all you have to do is to add @ for the user name under the channels and it works, like this:

    > $Payload = @{ text="Hello"; username="bot"; channel="@user"}
    > Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post 
      -ContentType 'application/json' -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Payload) -UseBasicParsing

    This will do the trick. Note: whoever created the webhook, will be the user assigned to a direct channel