Does anyone know why the switchMap
operator is not working ?
I have tried to put second map
operator instead and it worked but I am not getting why switchMap
is not working.
export class PizzasEffects {
constructor(private actions: Actions, private pizzasService: PizzasService) {}
createPizzaSuccess$ = this.actions.ofType( fromPizzasActions.CREATE_PIZZA_SUCCESS ).pipe(
map( (action: fromPizzasActions.CreatePizzaSuccess) => action.payload ),
switchMap( (pizza: Pizza) => new fromRouterActions.Go({path: ['products',]}) )
Use simply map
operator in place of switchMap
as below :
createPizzaSuccess$ = this.actions.ofType(fromPizzasActions.CREATE_PIZZA_SUCCESS).pipe(
map(action => action.payload),
map(pizza => new fromRouterActions.Go({path: ['products',]}))
operator is expecting an Observable
. For example, to return the result of a HttpClient.get
createPizzaSuccess$ = this.actions.ofType(fromPizzasActions.CREATE_PIZZA_SUCCESS).pipe(
map(action => action.payload),
switchMap(pizza => this.httpClient.get(URL))
But in your case, value emitted is only an Action
, so map
operator is the correct choice, exactly like you did to extract payload
from action
Note also that switchMap
is expecting a stream, and you can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
It means, in the case of NgRx
, it could be useful in certain situation, to return multiple actions for one effect
, so an array of actions :
createPizzaSuccess$ = this.actions.ofType(fromPizzasActions.CREATE_PIZZA_SUCCESS).pipe(
map(action => action.payload),
switchMap(pizza => [
new fromUIActions.showNotification({ message: 'Pizza loaded' }),
new fromRouterActions.Go({path: ['products',]})
More explanation :