This bash command "etcdctl get system config/log/timestamp
" returns time type either UTC or System. Now i want to use this to convert time to same format. How can i do that?
I tried this but it failed td-agent running.
@type exec
command etcdctl get system config/log/timestamp
keys timeType
Now i want to use that timeType to convert my time from given log to that timeType
{"host":"sp-1","level":"INFO","log":{"classname":"common.server.hacluster.CSFHATopologyChangeHandlerMBean:93","message":"Finished processing CSF HA 'become standby' message.","stacktrace":"","threadname":"RMI TCP Connection(1784)-"},"process":"becomeStandby","service":"SP","time":"2020-03-19T10:15:36.514Z","timezone":"America/Toronto","type":"log","system":"SP_IG_20_3_R1_I2002","systemid":"SP_IG_20_3_R1_I2002"}
This is where i want to use that $timeType
<filter com.logging.tmplog>
@type record_modifier
type log
time ${record["time"]}.$timeType ## It's not working
arun ${tag}
The issue is solved by using record-modifier's prepare_value
<filter com.logging.tmplog>
@type record_modifier
prepare_value @timeType =
`etcdctl get system config/log/timestamp`.strip
timeType ${@timeType}
time ${if @timeType == 'UTC' then'%FT%T') else; end}