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iOS 13.2 removing overlay from MapKit causing map to flicker

I am using mapKit in my app and I have several functions that render graphics using layers of overlays. Now, with iOS 13.2 update, when I move the map (with any method) functions that remove a single overlay and redraw the overlay as the map moves - cause all the graphics in the map to flicker - as if they are all being redrawn. One of the methods for moving the map is 'didUpdateLocations' by the locationManager.

I can't post code, because the code is split up over so many sub functions all called in different combinations. But I have tested many ways to verify that the graphics flicker just from the single action of adding or removing an overlay. And I have evaluated the overlay being added or removed to verify that it is only a single small graphic (MKPolyline) - not the set of graphics/overlays on the map.

So basically, there seems to be something wrong with the addOverlay function - redrawing all overlays.., or something like this...

Anyone else experiencing this issue with iOS13.2?


  • iOS 13.4 fixed the problem for my app - finally!