I'm new to scala and Gatling. I'm trying to transform the result of findAll into a sorted list and then return a String representation of the sorted list. I can't seem to do this with the following code:
.header("correlation-id", correlationId)
jsonPath("$.data.sendMessage.targetedRecipients").findAll.transform(recipients => {
println("recipients class: " + recipients.getClass)
var mutable = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer(recipients: _*)
var sortedRecipients = mutable.sortWith(_ < _)
println("users sorted "+ usersSorted)
Recipients is of type scala.collection.immutable.Vector. I thought I would be able to convert the immutable collection into a mutable collection using scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I don't think your problem is immutability, it's JSON parsing vs Gatling's .find and .findAll methods.
I'm going to make a guess that your response looks something like...
in which case Gatling's .findAll method will return a vector (it always does if it finds something), but it will only have one element which will be "[1,4,2,3]" - ie: a string representing json data, so sorting the collection of a single element naturally achieves nothing. To get .findAll to behave like you seem to be expecting, you would need a response something like...
which you could use .jsonPath("$..recipientId").findAll
to turn into a Vector[String] of the Ids.
So assuming you are indeed just getting a single string representation of an array of values, you could use a straight transform to generate an array and sort (as you tried in your example)
Here's a working version
val data = """{"data":{"sendMessage":{"targetedRecipients":[1,4,2,3]}}}"""
def sortedArray : ScenarioBuilder = scenario("sorting an array")
.exec(http("test call")
.exec(session => {
println(s"received: ${session("received").as[Vector[String]]}")