I have tried various examples but I could wrap my head around this.
I wanted to access a specific column from a collection. I am trying to get the Status of a Contract from the ProjectContract table.
ProjectContract > ContractStatusCdtb > contractStatCd
Here is my setup:
public class ProjectContract extends Auditable<String> implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "CONT_SEQ_NUM")
private Integer contractSeqNum;
@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.DETACH)
@JoinColumn(name = "CONT_STAT_CD")
private ContractStatusCdtb contractStatusCdtb;
// many fields removed.....
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class ContractStatusCdtb {
@Column(name = "CONT_STAT_CD")
private String contractStatCd;
// some fields removed
and this is my repository:
public interface ProjectContractRepository extends JpaRepository<ProjectContract, Integer> {
public String findContractStatusCdtbContractStatCdByContractSeqNum(Integer contractId);
Hibernate is firing query to get the whole ProjectContract
. and I am also getting Class Cast error since I am returning String and not ProjectContract
Can you please give me some pointer where I am doing incorrectly?
There are couple of points.
You cannot get individual column. It has to be always an object of type which is
mentioned in extends JpaRepository<ProjectContract, Integer>
which is ProjectContract
in your case.
So your query is not correct as you can see from the error message. You need to change this to
public ProjectContract findByContractStatusCdtbContractStatCd(String contractStatCd);
Or uif you expect multiple rows to be returned
public List<ProjectContract> findByContractStatusCdtbContractStatCd(String contractStatCd);