i've made an app with Filemaker ios SDK (18) and it works flawless.
I need to open this app from another one or from safari, and i'm using the custom url schema.
(i follow this tutorial to create the appdelegate)
The app opens, but i've got this error popup (when i open app form external url).
if i build a simply swift app, it works all well, it's probably a bug in FM sdk 18 (or something undocumented)
Looks like issue with URL. You have to make it in this view:
"fmp" should be changed on your own URL prefix.
fmp: //<user>:<pass>@<hostName>/<fileName> // user:pass
fmp: //<hostName>/<fileName>?script=<scriptName>¶m=<parameter> // parameter
fmp: //<hostName>/<fileName>?script=<scriptName>&variable=<variable> // variable
fmp: //~/<fileName> // an unopened file, from ~/Documents
fmp: //$/<fileName> // currently open file
Source: https://community.claris.com/en/s/article/url-schemes-for-filemaker-go--app-sdk--and-swift