I'm a newbie to RequireJS I have a ReactJS app with index.jsx
as an entry point
// index.jsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
export function callBackForRequirejs() {
return "testing";
When I load my build via RequireJS I get these callbacks
require(["/path/to/bundle"], function(callback) {
console.log(callback) // I get "callBackForRequirejs"
}, function(err){
But when I do code splitting I'm getting undefined in the callback, for code splitting I'm using these configs
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: {
commons: {
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
name: "vendor",
chunks: "initial",
Actually, my react app is a plugin for some external app, the external app loads my plugin via RequireJS. The code inside an external app is something like this
case 1:
Since the size of my bundle.js is very large so I decided to split it into two parts one which comes from node_modules
and one from my code
Now the external plugin loads my react plugin something like this
case 2:
'/pathof/my/react/plugin/vendor.js' ], function(callbackwhenpluginloads){
callbackwhenpluginloads() // callbackwhenpluginloads is undefined
I'm getting undefined
callback when the external app loads my plugin in
Actually, based on RequireJS docs for starting you did the following way and it works well:
require(['/path/to/bundle.js'], function(callback) {
console.log(callback) // you get callbackForRequireJS
}, function(error) {
And now you did a code-splitting on your project, so you should consider this the vendor.js
is like a dependency to split bundle.js
file. so you should follow this example to load the dependencies at the first and then run the other split code. so your code is something like below:
paths: {
reactApp: 'path/to/bundle.js'
deps: ['path/to/vendor.js'],
require(['reactApp'], function(callback) {
console.log(callback) // it should works now
}, function(error) {
Or there is another way that I don't recommend it:
require(['path/to/vendor.js'], function() {
require(['path/to/bundle.js'], function(callback) {
console.log(callback) // it should works now
}, function(bundleError) {
console.log('bundleError', bundleError)
}, function(vendorError) {
console.log('vendorError', vendorError)