df <- data.frame(
time = c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17),
var = c(12.69,16.35,20.29,25.08,30.81,38.75,45,49.16,55.15,62.852,68.63,76.64,82.47,85.68,89.14,91.86,95.28,98.17)
logisticmodel <- nls(var ~ SSlogis(time, phi1, phi2, phi3), data = df)
#predict(logisticmodel, data.frame(time = 18))
The output given by R is as follows:
phi1 phi2 phi3
105.737368 7.432555 3.852865
But the website gives us:
I know some languages have different outputs. It's normal but I am wondering what your thoughts are?
Thanks in advance.
The problem is that different models are being fit.
with self start function SSlogis
fits the model (see help('SSlogis')
or, using your notation,
phi1/(1 + exp((phi2 - input)/phi3))
Pen and paper shows that the following transformations give the results in the webpage.
fit <- nls(var ~ SSlogis(time, phi1, phi2, phi3), data = df)
kappa <- coef(fit)[1]
alpha <- exp(coef(fit)[2]/coef(fit)[3])
beta <- 1/coef(fit)[3]
c(kappa = unname(kappa), alpha = unname(alpha), beta = unname(beta))
# kappa alpha beta
#105.7373679 6.8832991 0.2595471
So, in order to automate this, write a simple function.
transf <- function(x){
kappa <- coef(x)[1]
alpha <- exp(coef(x)[2]/coef(x)[3])
beta <- 1/coef(x)[3]
c(kappa = unname(kappa), alpha = unname(alpha), beta = unname(beta))