I have the following function
def read_tower(path_to_file):
with open(path_to_file,'r') as f:
for text in f:
text_line = text.strip().split(" ")
My idea is to use a decorator to change that function so I can read files from a zip folder like
with zipfile.ZipFile(Path(zip_filename)) as z:
for filename in z.namelist():
if re.search(r'.*\.mlm',filename):
#with z.open(filename,mode="r") as f:
data = read_tower(f)
So basically I want to decorate read_tower so I can use z.open instead of open.
I am very new to decorators yet. Thanks.
To do this using decorator, you may inject the ContextManager of any file type into the reading, writing (or any other processing you need) logic, something like this:
def reader(func):
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
with func(*args, **kwargs) as f:
for text in f:
text_line = text.strip().split(" ")
return wrap
def file_reader(*args, **kwargs):
return open(*args, **kwargs)
def zipfile_reader(z, *args, **kwargs):
return z.open(*args, **kwargs)
file_content = file_reader(<path>, <mode>)
zipfile_content = zipfile_reader(zipfile_obj, <filename>, <extra_args>)
But I recommend simply to extract the common logic from the read_tower
into a separate function:
def read_file_content(file):
for text in f:
text_line = text.strip().split(" ")
file usage:
with open('..path', mode) as f:
zipfile usage:
with zipfile.ZipFile(Path(zip_filename)) as z:
for filename in z.namelist():
if re.search(r'.*\.mlm',filename):
with z.open(filename,mode="r") as f:
Note: code here is just to give idea, it is not completely working code.