We have a rather large third party product which contains a lot of C# DLLs and is updated every month or so. While the decompiler does only a 98% job where it can't get everything, it's good enough for my purposes for the occasional comparative analysis.
Would there be a way to do command line decompilation so that I could decompile every month's release and save it in an archive in an automated manner?
Perhaps something like
ilspy /f phantasmagorical.dll /s c:\myapp\archive\mar2020
/f - file to decompile, .dll, .exe, etc.
/s - save location
ILSpy.exe is meant for interactive use and doesn't have anything like that.
You can instead use the ilspycmd command line tool:
ilspycmd phantasmagorical.dll -p -o c:\myapp\archive\mar2020
You could also use the ICSharpCode.Decompiler nuget package to programatically run the decompiler.