I'm encountering a problem in a Lua script that I'm learning from (i am new to Lua) this error got me heavily confused, when I run the code it gives me this following error:
attempt to index global "zoneName" (a nil value)
this is my code:
local zoneName = zoneName:gsub ( "'", "" )
if dbExec ( handler, "INSERT INTO `safeZones` (`rowID`, `zoneName`, `zoneX`, `zoneY`, `zoneWidth`, `zoneHeight`) VALUES (NULL, '".. tostring ( zoneName ) .."', '".. tostring ( zoneX ) .."', '".. tostring ( zoneY ) .."', '".. zoneWidth .."', '".. zoneHeight .."');" ) then
createSafeZone ( { [ "zoneName" ] = zoneName, [ "zoneX" ] = zoneX, [ "zoneY" ] = zoneY, [ "zoneWidth" ] = zoneWidth, [ "zoneHeight" ] = zoneHeight } )
outputDebugString ( "Safe Zones: Safe zone created name: ".. tostring ( zoneName ) )
return true
return false, "Unable to create the safe zone"
You reference zoneName already in it's definition, you code equals to
local zoneName = nil:gsub("'", "")
hence the error (zoneName is not yet defined when Lua tries to execute zoneName:gsub()).
Either define zoneName before the gsub() call or use string.gsub()