I'm using Object Destructuring. And my app works completely fine. However it looks a bit untidy. I tried nesting however I got errors.
The destructuring looks like this so far:
const { response = [] } = res;
const { weather = [], main = [] } = response;
const { humidity, temp_min, temp_max, feels_like, temp } = main;
"response": {
"coord": {
"lon": 69.42,
"lat": 34.5
"weather": [
"id": 500,
"main": "Rain",
"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10d"
"base": "stations",
"main": {
"temp": 12.15,
"feels_like": 7.43,
"temp_min": 12.15,
"temp_max": 12.15,
"pressure": 1017,
"humidity": 27,
"sea_level": 1017,
"grnd_level": 812
"wind": {
"speed": 2.83,
"deg": 77
"rain": {
"3h": 0.72
"clouds": {
"all": 12
"dt": 1585210208,
"sys": {
"country": "AF",
"sunrise": 1585185447,
"sunset": 1585229894
"timezone": 16200,
"id": 1138957,
"name": "Kabul",
"cod": 200
"error": null
Is there a way to do this on one or even two lines?
You can use:
const {
response: {
weather = [],
main: {
} = {}
} = {}
} = res;
Or, in one-line like:
const { response: { weather = [], main: { humidity, temp_min, temp_max, feels_like, temp } = {} } = {} } = res;
const res = { response: { coord: { lon: 69.42, lat: 34.5 }, weather: [{ id: 500, main: "Rain", description: "light rain", icon: "10d" }], base: "stations", main: { temp: 12.15, feels_like: 7.43, temp_min: 12.15, temp_max: 12.15, pressure: 1017, humidity: 27, sea_level: 1017, grnd_level: 812 }, wind: { speed: 2.83, deg: 77 }, rain: { "3h": 0.72 }, clouds: { all: 12 }, dt: 1585210208, sys: { country: "AF", sunrise: 1585185447, sunset: 1585229894 }, timezone: 16200, id: 1138957, name: "Kabul", cod: 200 }, error: null };
const { response: { weather = [], main: { humidity, temp_min, temp_max, feels_like, temp } = {} } = {} } = res;
console.log({ humidity, temp_min, temp_max, feels_like, temp })
Please notice that in your code first part:
const { response = [] } = res;
you have set response
to a default empty array, but response
in res
is actually an object, so you should default it to {}
instead. Need to do the same for main = []
in your code.