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Export to Excel (Java List, HtmlDataTable, rich:dataTable)

is there some simple way how to export Java List (or rich:dataTable or htmlDataTable, based on dataList) to formatted excel table?

datalist example:

private List<BDE> dataList;
session = DaoSF.getSessionFactory('R').openSession();   
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(BDE.class);
  {some restrictions...}
dataList = criteria.list();

I'm abe export it to csv using AnalysisTable, but it seems not to be much user friendly export..

Thank you

UPDATE: I've found primefaces solution and it really works. Rest of thing is, to create simple formatted xls table, don´t you have some tip?


  •     private List<BDE> dataList;
    session = DaoSF.getSessionFactory('R').openSession();   
    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(BDE.class);
      {some restrictions...}
    dataList = criteria.list();
    //Excel creation after your dataList has been generated 
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("sth.xls");
    //Give your file path may be to desktop so that you can see
    org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
    Row row = null;
    Cell cell = null;
    Sheet sheet1 = workBook.createSheet();
        for(int rowNo = 0;rowNo<dataList.size;rowNo++){
         row= sheet1.createRow(rowNo);
          for(int cellNo = 0;cellNo <2;cellNo++){//It would go to 0th and 1st row
            cell = row.createCell(cellNo);
                cell.setCellValue("Some of your value");