Search code examples

Shortcode inside a shortcode

As my question, very simple:

[buddyxxxx room=[URLParam param='room']-oki password=[URLParam param='password'] default_language=fr show_watermark=false width=100%]

My shortcode works until [buddyxxxx room=[URLParam param='room'], then it ends without taking count of my other parameters.

[URLParam param='room'] - [URLParam param='password'] are from a URL query.

Any idea how to format this to get the full shortcode?

Update : snippet : It just prints the shortcut,

echo '[buddymeet room=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET["room"]) . ' password=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET["password"]) . ']';

With echo do shortcode, nothing appear

a function :

add_shortcode('room', 'get_name');

function get_name() {

   echo do_shortcode ('[buddymeet room='.$_GET['room'].' password='.$_GET['password'].']');


And Nothing appear on screen,

This method :

[buddyxxxx room=[URLParam param='room']-oki password=[URLParam param='password'] default_language=fr show_watermark=false width=100%]

only half work


  • Just for update :

    This was because wp doenst allow shortcode nested code.